3.1.2 Java 3D 1.2 JDK | JAVA 3D Programming | Chapter 3

3.1.2 Java 3D 1.2 JDK

Download the latest release of the Java 3D SDK at http://www.javasoft.com/products/java−media/3D/index.html. The OpenGL version of Java 3D has
historically been more stable and ahead of the DirectX release in terms of features. At the time of print the latest release is Java 3D 1.2.1. You should install Java 3D into the same directory as the Java 2 SDK, typically c:\jdk1.3. This will ensure that all your Java 2 demo applications are installed into the same place.

You can then use REGEDIT to edit the Windows registry to remove all references to the JRE installation directory (which is also installed when you install the SDK). Replace all occurrences of c:\program files\javasoft\jre\1.3\… with the SDK installation location, usually c:\jdk1.3\jre\… This will enable running the Java 3D demos from the command line, and ensure that only one Java 2 runtime environment is installed on your machine.

              Do not run REGEDIT unless you are an experienced
IMPORTANT:       Windows user and familiar with editing the registry.
                      It is not strictly necessary to remove all references to the JRE install location.

Test your Java 3D installation by running the HelloUniverse Java 3D demo. First run from the command line by going to the relevant installation directory and then typing:

java HelloUniverse

You can test the Java 2 plug−in installation by double−clicking the HelloUniverse_plug−in.html file. Your web browser should launch, the Java 2 plug−in window will appear, and the HelloUniverse applet should start.

Once the tests are running you can safely delete the c:\program files\javasoft directory.

Ok good luck, See you in next tutorial :)


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